By Jessica Landry

Learn how the benefits of juicing can be far greater than good nutrition (recipe included!)

Everyone feels pressure every day to perform to produce to meet deadlines and to spend time with family. When there are additional stressors in one’s life, putting your head down, making more coffee and powering through often feels like the best way to manage all of those responsibilities. Unfortunately, that method rarely provides the hoped-for results. If we don't take the time to slow down and take care of ourselves and our families, not only will we not feel our best, our productivity and well-being will suffer. It may seem counterintuitive, but no matter what you have going on it is important to take a moment to slow down to do something good for yourself.

For me, that means making sure I eat well. Not always an easy task when it is much easier to grab a burger than it is to cook and clean a whole meal. I try to keep a few essentials on hand to make it easier. One of my favorites is fresh juice. This is great because the process of making it gives me time to mentally organize and plan out my day. Something about the method of making juice, the routine of it, is very relaxing. It also helps to know I am taking the time to do something good for myself.

Juicing is super easy, I have included my go-to recipe below. I recommend using a slow masticating type juicer. If you don't have a juicer, or are not ready to commit yet, that is okay. You can use a blender or food processor and strain the pulp. I use this recipe as a guide, but really you can use any fruits or vegetables you have on hand. Take some time for yourself this week and do something healthy. It doesn't have to be juicing, it can be as simple as a short walk.

Jess’s Recipe 

One pineapple

One bag of apples

One bushel of kale with the stems removed

One container of spinach

Two cucumbers peeled

Three stalks of celery

Chop all ingredients and drop into a juicer or food processor. Strain out the pulp if desired. Refrigerate up to five days. Enjoy!

This article appeared in our Spring 2022 Newsletter.